In order to use this website, a user must first complete the registration form. During registration a user is required to give their contact information (such as name and email address). This information is used to contact the user about the services on our site for which they have expressed interest. It is optional for the user to provide demographic information (such as income level and gender), and unique identifiers (such as social security number), but encouraged so we can provide a more personalized experience on our site. and its partners/ offices in India collect personal information necessary to respond to your requests for customized matrimonial services and to allow you to use the resources available on our website. Personal information includes, but is not limited to, name, physical address, email address, date of birth, religion, time of birth, caste, fathers name, mothers name, brothers and sisters details phone number, age and any other information that itself identifies or, when tied to the above information, may identify you as a specific individual. and its partners. also uses order forms, feedback for you to request certain information, products and services. On such order forms, we collect your contact information, financial information (We work with Verisign to process credit card transactions and we do not store your credit card details on our site like the credit card no, address and other related information) and demographic information.
This website takes every precaution to protect our users’ information. When users submit sensitive information via the website, your information is protected both online and off-line. When our registration/order form asks users to enter sensitive information (such as credit card number and/or social security number), that information is encrypted and is protected with the best encryption software in the industry - SSL. While on a secure page, such as our order form, the lock icon on the bottom of Web browsers such as Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer becomes locked, as opposed to un-locked, or open, when you are just ‘surfing’. To learn more about SSL, follow this link Verisign While we use SSL encryption to protect sensitive information online, we also do everything in our power to protect user-information off-line. All of our users’ information, not just the sensitive information mentioned above, is restricted in our offices. Only employees who need the information to perform a specific job (for example, our billing clerk or a customer service representative) are granted access to personally identifiable information. Our employees must use password-protected screen-savers when they leave their desk. When they return, they must re-enter their password to re-gain access to your information. Furthermore, ALL employees are kept up-to-date on our security and privacy practices. Every quarter, as well as any time new policies are added, our employees are notified and/or reminded about the importance we place on privacy, and what they can do to ensure our customers’ information is protected. Finally, the servers that we store personally identifiable information on are kept in a secure environment, behind a locked cage. If you have any questions about the security at our website, you can send an email to
Cancellation of Membership
The membership may be cancelled by either party by serving a written notice on the reserves the right to cancel the membership, to suspend a profile or to disable access in respect of any member in breach of any of the terms. In no case will the Membership fees be refundable.
Fees Refund
If you choose to terminate your membership, the MEMBERSHIP FEES ARE NOT REFUNDABLE under any circumstances. Your membership in the is for yourself for personal use. You may not authorize others to use your membership and you may not assign or transfer your account to any other person or entity.
This is one of the most comprehensive, well-documented, well-planned theme we’ve ever seen. Cheers to great work! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing.
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Absolutely amazing! This was more than worth the purchase! Great job, and thanks for your amazing work!
John Doe - Public speaker, MEDIADOT
Love this theme and so impressed with the customer support!!! Has been great for someone like myself with very little experience! Absolutely Fantastic!
Elena Doe - Developer, W.T.D. Ltd
Concerns or questions?
See our support area where you can find questions asked by our clients and answered by the SeventhQueen team. Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum